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●    企業評級和債務評級

Corporate Rating and Debt Rating


AnRong (Hong Kong) Credit Ratings Company Limited (ARHK) is expanding its international market business through a gradual strategy. ARHK provides credit rating services for domestic and international enterprises and institutions that issue RMB bonds, Hong Kong Dollar bonds, and US Dollar bonds.


●    委託評級和主動評級
Solicited Credit Rating and Unsolicited Credit Rating


Credit rating mainly contains two types, referred to as solicited rating and unsolicited rating. ARHK provides the two approaches for rating issuers and debt securities.  Each public rating report is indicated whether the rating is solicited or unsolicited by ARHK.

(a) 委託評級

Solicited credit rating



私人委託評級是指安融(香港)評級據某人士作出的要求而專爲該人士擬備並只提供予該人士的評級,而該評級並非擬向公眾(不論在香港或其他地方)散發或以訂閱方式 (不論在香港或其他地方) 分發, (亦無合理期望該評級會如此散發或分發)只有在已按符合提供信貸評級服務人士的操守準則規定的方式擬備的情況下,方可於其後不論在香港或其他地方向公眾散發或以訂閱方式分發。

ARHK adopts the issuer-pay model for its solicited rating services. ARHK receives the rating fee from the rated entity according to a contract signed between ARHK and the rated entity.

ARHK has already established a series of procedures and mechanisms designed to minimize the possibility of conflicts of interest arising in its business operations (or any ancillary businesses). Solicited rating can be a public rating or a private rating requested by a rated entity or by a third party on an issuer's behalf.  For solicited public rating, ARHK obtains the required information and data from the rated entity and proactively collects information from the public for processing the credit rating analysis.  ARHK releases the rating results according to the schedule already established in the rating process. It also publicly announces in a timely and continuously manner whether a rating is discontinued and ensures to indicate the terminated ratings, including the date the rating was last updated, the fact that the rating will no longer being updated as well as full reasons for such discontinuation.

Solicited private rating refers to credit opinions or credit rating reports prepared by ARHK specifically for a person which is exclusively prepared for, and provided to. The ratings are neither intended for dissemination to the public or distribution by subscription, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, nor reasonably expected to be so disseminated or distributed. Private rating is only subsequently disseminated to the public, if such rating has been prepared in compliance with the provisions of The Code of Conduct for Persons Providing Credit Rating Services.

(b) 主動評級

Unsolicited Credit Rating


ARHK completes unsolicited ratings for entities without charging any rating fees on the rated entities. The rated entities do not participate in the rating process. ARHK performs unsolicited rating, when it believes that there is sufficient public information available that meets its rating methodology, and that the unsolicited rating is of the interest of the investing public, despite ARHK has no access to the internal information of the rated entity. ARHK usually publicly release unsolicited ratings.

●    評級維度

Rating Dimensions


ARHK offers rating services include issuer rating and debt issue rating. Issuer rating is a current assessment of an issuer's overall credit worthiness, its capacity and willingness to fully meet its financial obligations on time, whereas a debt issue rating is a current opinion on the credit worthiness of an obligor with respect to a specific debt issue. Credit worthiness refers to the ability of a rated entity and the debt issue to meet its contractual financial obligations on time. ARHK adopts a set of concise, precise, consistent and comparable credit rating symbols expressed in letters to summarize the respective credit worthiness at each credit rating level. An issuer rating is assigned according to its level of default probability, whereas a debt issue rating is on its possible loss percentage in the event of default.